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Bekah Releases New Single 'Ego'

LOS ANGELES – Teen singer Bekah is following up on the success of her hit single "Broken," with a new single titled “Ego.”

“This single is particularly meaningful to me because it is a bilingual song in which I speak English, as well as Spanish on it,” she said. “This is exciting because I’m half Puerto Rican, and music is such a communal language in itself, I feel that not only does it connect me with my heritage, but with everyone from every race. People enjoy music they feel the rhythm and dance like no one is watching, even if they don’t understand the language.”

“Ego” brings out Bekah’s energy and whimsy that asks listeners to put their ego aside and enjoy life. The song is produced by award-winning producer Andrew Lane and acclaimed sound engineer Miguel Palmero,

“Bekah has a great energy and passion that you seldom see in young artists,” Lane said. “Her talent and musical sensibilities are far beyond her years and like many of her fans, I expect a lot of big things from her – starting with this great new single!”

“Ego” is the newest single from Bekah who first made an impact with her hit single “Broken,” released in 2016, which she wrote at age 12. That single was followed by “Young Hollywood,” and then by her newest hit single “Dark Wonderland.”

“My goal with my music has and will always be to just make people feel something. I want to provoke raw emotions, conversations, and awareness about things that people in today’s society find to be taboo,” she said. “Topics such as, addiction, eating disorders, self harm, depression, and all types of mental illnesses. These are all things that people find to be controversial and are afraid to talk about, but I am not afraid to use my voice if it means helping someone get the proper help that they need.”

Growing up in a mixed race family in Staten Island, New York; Bekah always had a love for music, learning to play the piano at age 9 and often listening to pop, hip hop and rhythm and blues artists. But it wasn’t until she auditioned the New York’s annual talent competition “Premiere” and was introduced to veteran producer Andrew Lane who is known for his work with Gwen Stefani, Backstreet Boys and others. Lane immediately was taken in by 13-year-old singer and soon agreed to produce her first single, “Broken.”

“Ego” is a strong follow up to “Broken,” which tells a tale of love lost and heartbreak, found an audience among pop music fans who were entranced by the young singer and her soulful voice. She later followed up her success with her singles “Young Hollywood,” and “Dark Wonderland,” showing her musical growth and sophistication.

Herself dedicated to helping others whether in her community or the elderly in India during goodwill trips she makes with her mother Janet, Bekah understands the value of being positive and supportive of others.

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