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Kurt Cobain Documentary Set for Re-Release

LOS ANGELES - Brett Morgen’s documentary “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck” will be re-released in the U.S. on Aug. 7, just four months after it was released in the U.S.

The film about the late Nirvana frontman originally premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January and accoring to Box Office Mojo, grossed $140,208 at three locations during its run on April 24-26. It went on to air on May 4 on HBO.

The documentary features archival footage from Nirvana performances as well as unreleased home movies, recordings, photos and artwork as well as journal excerpts. HBO Documentary Films and Universal Pictures International Entertainment Content Group co-produced the film. Cobain's daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, serves as an executive producer.

The film will be shown at New York's IFC Center and at Arclight Cinemas.

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