Taylor Swift Donates to Cancer Patient's Go Fund Me

LOS ANGELES - Taylor Swift was so touched by a young cancer's patient's plight that she donated $50,000 toward her GoFund me page recently.
Naomi, a young cancer patient, wrote online about having to miss Swift's recent concert due to her illness that when Swift heard about it she contacted Naomi and made her donation. Because the website's donation limit was set at $15,000, Swift made four separate donations that totaled $50,000.
"To the beautiful and brave Naomi, I'm sorry you have to miss [my concert], but there will always be more concerts," wrote Swift when giving the donation. "Let's focus on getting you feeling better. I'm sending the biggest hugs to you and your family."
Naomi and her family were so pleased and surprised with Swift's donation that they posted a video to thank the singer.