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TLC Officially Cancels '19 Kids and Counting'

LOS ANGELES - TLC has canceled the beleaguered reality series "19 Kids and Counting" starring the Duggar family, amid a controversy surrounding star Josh Duggar's admission that he had molested his sisters and other children as a teenager.

"After thoughtful consideration, TLC and the Duggar family have decided to not move forward with 19 Kids and Counting. The show will no longer appear on the air," said the network in a prepared statement issued Thursday. "The recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection."

TLC also announced plans to air a one-hour documentary about child sexual abuse that is scheduled to air later this summer.

"TLC has been especially concerned for the victims in this situation, including the Duggar family, and it is our hope that this effort will help those in need learn where to turn for information and help," the TLC statement read. "The documentary will be commercial free, and we anticipate it will air later this summer."

After Josh Duggar's public statement apologizing for his actions in May, TLC removed the show from its schedule. But, the show continued to face rumblings as advertisers, as well as streaming partners, fled.

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