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Pic of the Week: Ali Spagnola

Singer/musician Ali Spagnola rocks her amazing abs for our Pic of the Week! (Photo by Instagram).

Singer/musician and talented painter Ali Spagnola is our pic of the week after she went on Instagram and showed off her killer abs and rockin' body. Yes, I'll have have what she's having!

Known for her catchy music covers and "Power Hour Drinking Game" album that features 60 one-minute songs, not to mention her unique youtube videos, Spagnola has developed a huge following that has spawned tens of millions of views on youtube and millions of other followers on social media.

Her live shows are unique and play to full houses across the country. Moreover, In 2008, the talented online phenom started a project called Free Paintings where she takes requests via email about what she should paint. She fills one request per day creating a 12x12", bright, pop art, acrylic painting that she mails to the requester for free.

Yes, I s**t you not!

For all that, Ali Spagnola is our Pic of the Week!

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