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'Jeffersons' Star Marla Gibbs Appears to Pass Out at Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony

LOS ANGELES – The 88-degree heat in Hollywood appeared to overwhelm veteran actress Marla Gibbs on Tuesday as she seemed to pass out during her speech Hollywood Walk of Fame where she was honored with a star.

Gibbs thanked "The Jeffersons" creator Norman Lear, as well as the shows' fans, then stopped speaking and closed her eyes then her son immediately rushed to her side and assisted the 90-year-old actress.

"It's only because of you that they know me," Gibbs said. "Thank you so much. And thank you to all of you who have been fans of "The Jeffersons" and "227." We love you and it's because you watched us that we were able to excel, and I'm able to be here today. Thank you. And I want to give special thanks to my daughter and my grandson for all the hard work that went into putting this event together."

The former “The Jeffersons” star was said to be doing fine later in the day.


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