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NBC's 'Meet the Press' Finishes 2020 as Most Watched Sunday News Program

NEW YORK – NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd (MTP) was the #1 most-watched Sunday show in the key demo for 2020, the fourth quarter of the year (4Q’20) and the month of December, according to Nielsen Media Research data.

MTP outpaced all other Sunday morning public affairs programs in the demo most valued by news advertisers for five straight years and for 23 out of the past 26 years.

MTP topped both ABC’s This Week and CBS’s Face the Nation by double digits in the key demo and averaged 816,000 A25-54 viewers, topping ABC by +16 percent (+113,000) and CBS by +14 percent (+98,000). This marks MTP’s best key demo streak in eight years (since 2012) and best key demo delivery in two years (since 2018). Compared to last year, MTP was up five percent (+37,000).

An average of 3.534 million total viewers tuned into MTP, topping ABC by +12 percent (+379,000). This marks MTP’s best total viewer delivery in four years (since 2016). Compared to last year, MTP was up nine percent (+277,000).

During the 2020 broadcast year, CBS's Face The Nation chose to exclude seven broadcasts, including the entire month of July, historically one of the lowest-rated months each year. Just one percent separate MTP from CBS, which continues to rate for only the first 30 minutes of its hour-long broadcast and follows the highly-rated CBS Sunday Morning.

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