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Rachel Maddow Gets Emotional in Return to the Airwaves

LOS ANGELES – During her return to her MSNBC show last night after being in quarantine, Rachel Maddow became emotional when she revealed that her partner is suffering with COVID-19.

Maddow, who was broadcasting from her home, revealed to the audience that her partner of 21 years, Susan Mikula has been dealing with Coronavirus and said that at one point it became so serious that they thought she might die.

Maddow told her audience on Nov. 6 that she was taking a mandatory two-week quarantine after coming into close contact with someone who had tested positive for the virus. The close contact, Maddow said last night, was her partner Mikula, whom she called the "center of her life."

Maddow said that after her partner had tested positive so they were separated and later began to get "sicker and sicker" as time went on, adding: "At one point, we really thought it was a possibility it might kill her and that’s why I’ve been away."

She then urged viewers to "do whatever you can to keep from getting it."

She added: "Just believe me, whatever you have calculated into your life as acceptable risk, as inevitable risk, something that you're willing to go through in terms of this virus because, hey, statistically it probably will be fine for you and your loved ones, I'm just here to tell you to recalibrate that."


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